The Effect of Mango

The Mango

Native to South Asia the mango fruit originated from the mango tree has become one of the most popular fruits in the World ranked fifth in total world production, while there are many kinds of mango for example the African mango the kind that is being cultivated worldwide is the Indian mango the same fruit is the national fruit of both India and Pakistan and the Philippines. It leaves are used in ritualistic ceremonies in many countries in Asia and people have been eating the mango for millennia or thousands of years and thus have a rich history with the local populations.

The Mango is a amazing fruit rich in dietary fiber, vitamin A and vitamin C, several B vitamins and contains several trace elements and fats that are vital for a healthy life, such as potassium copper and omega3-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. But we are here to show why adding the mango to your low cholesterol diet is a good idea so here is a study that shows the effect of what the fruit does to your High cholesterol. here is a link to this paper to show the effect of mango on cholesterol, hdl and ldl and lipid levels.

A study published in September 2001 about the suppressive effect of Mangiferine with exercise on blood lipids in type 2 diabetes. The study was performed on mice.

Materials MF was isolated by a conventional method as
previously reported.1) The structure of MF was confirmed by
the spectroscopic method.4) MF was stored at room temperature
until use.

Animals Male KK-Ay mice were used.
Under non-fasting, those with blood glucose
levels above 300 mg/dl were considered to be diabetic
and were used in this study. They were housed individually in
an air-conditioned room at an ambient temperature of
2262 °C with a 12 h light–dark cycle. The animals were kept
in this experimental animal room for 7 d with free access to
food and water.
To determine blood lipid levels, blood samples were taken
from the cavernous sinus using a capillary.

Exercise For exercise studies, KK-Ay mice were run on
a motorized treadmill, MF was administered
30 min before the exercise once a day. The administration
of MF was started at 13:00—14:00 pm. For exercise
studies, mice went without food. MF (30 mg/kg body weight)
was administered orally for 2 weeks.

Determination of Blood Cholesterol and Triglyceride
Level Blood cholesterol levels in mice were determined
using commercial reagents

the results were:

Effect of MF with Exercise on Blood Cholesterol in
KK-Ay Mice The mean blood cholesterol levels in KK-Ay
mice after oral administration of MF with exercise are shown
in Fig. 2. MF (30 mg/kg) with exercise decreased the blood
cholesterol level 2 weeks after the oral administration when

Effect of MF with Exercise on Blood Triglyceride in
KK-Ay Mice The hypo triglyceride effects of MF with exercise
in KK-Ay mice are shown in Fig. 3. MF (30 mg/kg) with
exercise decreased blood triglyceride at 2 weeks when compared
with the controls (p,0.01), MF only (p,0.05), and
exercise only (p,0.05).

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